Gathering all generations to pray for all nations, ASKing God to do what only He can do, and doing whatever He ASKs of us.

ASK Network USA Events

ASKing for the USA

As ASK Network USA, our mandate from God is to gather to pray corporately whether in person or via Zoom. We also have dedicated times to gather via zoom.

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ASK USA Gathering
ASK USA Gathering

USA National Prayer Call for the Nations

 3rd Saturday of each month
7am PST / 9am CST / 10am EST
Email Roberta Rader for more information at

ASKing for the USA

 4th Monday of each month
 7am PST / 9am CST / 10am EST
• Email Marsha Elliott for more information at

ASKing for the Nations

 Every Tuesday
 8am PST / 11am EST / 4pm BST
• Email Sue Huston for more information at

ASKing the Lord of the Harvest:
Praying for UPGs

 Every Friday
 7am PST /10am EST / 3pm BST
• Email Nga Dang for more information at

ASKing with Compassion for the
LGBT+ Community

 2nd Wednesday of each month
 7am PST /10am EST / 3pm BST
• For more information email